You May Be
The Missing Piece
Consider Rotary
We’re looking for people of all ages and backgrounds to join our Yarram Rotary team - to use their time, talents, professional skills and energy to improve the lives of people in and around Yarram and others around the world.
By belonging to Rotary, you can enjoy the benefits of business networking, personal development, meeting new friends, hearing inspiring speakers, having a great deal of fun and experiencing that special sense of fulfilment that comes from achieving something really worthwhile.

Meet New People
Rotary offers fun and friendship with other people from the community in and around Yarram. Our meetings include an interesting range of guest speakers who cover relevant and topical issues, helping us to keep in touch with community needs and continue our own education.

Business Networking
Becoming a Rotarian connects you with a diverse group of professionals, farmers, forestry workers and business people around Yarram who share your drive to give back to the community we love.
Rotary brings together a global network of volunteer leaders who dedicate their time and talent to tackle some of the world’s most pressing humanitarian challenges..

Community Service
Rotary is built on Community service. We encourage all Rotarians to offer service to their communities. Every Rotary club and every Rotarian assumes a responsibility to find ways to improve the quality of life for those in their communities and to serve the public interest.
Is Rotary a good fit for you?
If Rotary sounds like the organisation for you, we'd le to hear from you! Contact us and we can give you more details about our club and Rotary events in the Yarram area. Our club meets Wednesday evenings - coming along to a meeting is a great way to learn more and see if Rotary is a good fit for you.
Members, are "adult persons of good character and good business, professional and/or community reputation" who agree to uphold high ethical standards in their "personal, business and community life" as well as in their interaction with other people generally.
Membership in our Rotary Club is by invitation only, at the discretion of the members. Expressions of interest in membership are welcome. It is important, therefore, that you take time to visit the club on a few occasions to ensure not only that you get to know our members and that you will feel happy being part of the club, but also that you give our members a chance to get to know you.